Up user manual

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The Up is a simple vario giving you acoustic feedback of your climb.

  • The Flytec Up


  • Functional overview

Switching on/off

Press the on/off key for about 2 seconds, when the status light flashes regularly, you’re ready to fly.


Charge the Up via its micro-USB port. The LED stays solid for the charging process and flashes, when the battery is full.


To make changes to your Up, connect it to your computer via USB cable. The Up then appears as an external drive on which you find the file CONFIG.txt. Open it with the help of a text editor and edit the following entries according to your preferences:

  • FirmwareRev: Software version, cannot be edited
  • VarioName: The bluetooth device name
  • SoundVolume: Audio volume from 0 to 3, whereas 0 = silent and 3 = loudest.
  • SoundEnableConnected: Audio when connected to an app, with 0 = sound disabled when connected to an app, 1 = sound enabled when connected to an app
  • SoundEnableCharging: Audio when charging, with 0 = sound disabled when charging battery, 1 = sound enabled when charging battery.
  • SendPressureInfo: Pressure data transmission, with 0 = pressure data are not transmitted via Bluetooth, 1 = GPS data are transmitted via Bluetooth.


Software updates

To update, connect the Up to your computer using the micro-USB cable. The Up then appears as an external drive on your computer. Copy the update file onto your Up and safely remove/eject it from your PC or Mac. After an update, it takes the Up a little longer to start up.

If exposed to water

Never expose the Up to extreme temperatures, water, or mechanical force. The Up is not water resistant! Exposure to water or any other liquid will cause serious damage. In case your Up gets wet, remove the batteries immediately to prevent more damage. If your Element was exposed to salt water, rinse it in warm, clean, fresh water. Dry your Up thoroughly and return it to your vendor or directly to Flytec for servicing.


Flytec provides a 2-year warranty on all our flight instruments, and we encourage you to contact us via our website any time for support. After your warranty has expired we will still repair your Up at a reasonable charge.

Technical support

Direct all inquiries to your vendor, or directly to Flytec via our website or via e-mail on support@flytec.ch.